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成人高考英语作文怎么写 参考范文示例

2023-10-02 0条评论


成人高考英语作文怎么写 参考范文示例










  内容 包括以下几点:1. 河水颜色发黑,并发出臭味。2. 水里没有鱼,也没人游泳。3. 污染原因是附近的工厂往河里排放工业废水。4. 大家应保护环境,减少污染。

  注意:1. 要符合日记的格式 2. 词数为100左右

  September 16,2012,Sunday Cloudy

  I went to the small city far away from village to buy some books this morning. What I saw there surprised me very much. There is a river in the city. The water in it is dark and smells terrible. It is polluted with chemical waste from factories. There are many small factories along the river. The worst one is the paper factory . It pours waste water into the river day and night. Fish can’t live in such a polluted river and neither can people swim in it. I wonder why people don’t care about our environment. We should do something to reduce pollution.

  二、假如你是李华,你们学校就“感恩父母,从我做起”这一话题展开讨论。请你用英语 写一篇短文,谈谈为什么要感恩父母,你和父母之间发生的最难忘的事以及你的感受。 注意:词数为100左右。

  I think it's important for us to thank our parents. Since I was born, my parents have given me all their love and care, but never expect anything in return. They havebrought me up and taken good care of me carefully and patiently.

  Last year, I was chosen to take part in a speech competition. I felt very nervous. My parents tried hard to help me prepare for it. They encouraged me to be confident and told me not to care much about the result. They said the process of learning was more meaningful.

  With their help, I did very well that time. I felt happy and proud. I'd like to say “Thanks a lot! You're great! I will love you forever!” to mum and dad.

  三、假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写封信,告诉他你第一天上课的情景,主要内容如下:1.描述一件课堂上令你印象深刻的事情。 2.介绍你处理该事的方式。3.谈谈你的感想。

  Dear zhuanghua ,

  It's three months since I heard from you last time . Now I want to tell you an impressive story happening on my first lesson .

  On hearing the bell students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could. But a boy ,LIMing , whose father died a month ago , was late for the class. He stood outside the classroom silently . I smiled to him and let him come in. After a while ,he cried on his desk . Then I walked to him and asked what had happened . He told me that his mother was ill and he had to take some medicine for her . At the same time ,he apologized to me for his lateness . Moved by his words , I praised him for his deeds and decided to sing a song named “mother”for the students . How time flies ! Class was over before I realized it .

  From the story I felt we should respect our parents and do our best to help them . Do you think so ? I'm looking forward to your reply .

  Yours truly ,

  Li Hong





